Why Myochron?
Dr. Alan Bank, Co-founder and inventor of Myochron, has been on a journey with his heart failure patients for over 40 years - to a time before Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) existed. Today CRT has seen widespread use with >1.7M devices implanted globally – helping patients with electrical conduction issues. And while CRT technology continues to evolve, 70% of patients are not experiencing the full benefits of therapy due to programming complexity. Myochron was conceived to elevate heart failure therapy by precise and individualized optimization of CRT.
Myochron's origins trace back to 2015, with the clinical practice and research of Dr. Bank, a heart failure cardiologist, and echocardiographer. Through his clinical practice, he observed that some of his patients greatly improved with CRT, while many others continued to experience dyssynchrony. He then embarked on a journey to understand why, and what could be done about it. After researching and attempting echo optimization of CRT, he soon found electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis was far superior, more accurate, and much more practical. Thus began the journey of Myochron in its early form.
Dr. Bank has actively proven the technology by treating over 500 patients in his clinic over the past 8+ years, and publishing in the top cardiac electrophysiology journals. He is compelled by the urgency to ensure all heart failure patient treated with CRT have a heart that squeezes in synchrony, and thus realize the full benefits of the therapy.
Dr. Bank is a clinical cardiologist specializing in heart failure, with additional study in electrophysiology. Further, he is committed to research on heart failure and CRT, and has published over 100 papers as an academic and in partnership with industry leaders such as Medtronic, Boston Scientific, Merck, Novartis, Guidant, GSK, Pfizer and more. He is joined by his son, Andy Bank who combines deep business acumen with experience building and commercializing startups, and cardiology software. Together, they are bringing Myochron to life for millions of heart failure patients.
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Research in peer-reviewed publications backs everything we do. Dive in to learn about the science backing our technology.
Journal of Electrocardiology 2022